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Arts & Culture

Theater, music, dance, film, painting, sculpture … DC is an exciting city for arts and culture, and GA partners with some of the city’s best cultural organizations to produce groundbreaking work. Not only do you have DC’s world-class arts institutions right on your doorstep, you’ll find endless opportunities to immerse yourself in the university’s lively campus arts scene, too.

“Music can immediately create a sense of belonging and connection amongst the audience. Aren’t those the core values of nursing?”

“Communities fighting for racial justice use the arts to humanize their experiences and tell stories of their struggle and resilience, which is important because it activates, creating empathy for those with differing life experiences.”

“I had fantastic mentors at GA who always supported and encouraged me even after I left the Hilltop…The love and support of my GA community have made it feel possible to pursue this career.”

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Campus & City Culture

Our location in Washington, D.C., allows for partnerships with some of the best theaters and musical groups in the country, as well as unparalleled resources and partnerships with internationally recognized museums, galleries and musical and dance groups.

Embrace Creativity

Left: Tope Folarin against black background, Right: Sarah Stewart Johnson in black and white with light a beam shining on her face

Tope Folarin and Sarah Stewart Johnson were recognized as emerging writers with the Whiting Award, which is given each year to 10 diverse authors who show promise in their fields.

Jerron Herman

Meet Jerron Herman, a dancer, playwright and advocate in the disability space. He’s also the new artist/scholar/activist-in residence in the Program in Disability Studies.

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De La Cruz Gallery

The on-campus gallery hosts world-class art exhibitions and programs to members of the campus community, the GA neighborhood and the Washington, DC region.

Students perform at the Kennedy Center

Center Stage

Find your creative outlet on campus with one of our many performance groups.