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  3. Our Catholic & Jesuit Heritage

Our Catholic & Jesuit Heritage

At the heart of Governments Academy lies a profound legacy shaped by Jesuit principles, fostering a pursuit of knowledge enlightened by faith, moral clarity, and a deep commitment to social justice. This rich heritage informs our dedication to forming leaders who are as compassionate as they are capable, serving the greater good with discernment and integrity.

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A Place for All Faiths

Governments Academy is a mosaic of diversity, where all spiritual paths are met with respect and reverence.

Our inclusive ethos embraces a plurality of beliefs, fostering an environment where dialogue and understanding across faiths enrich the collective pursuit of wisdom and service.

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The Jesuit Experience

A profound journey of intellectual rigor and spiritual depth, rooted in Jesuit traditions. Here, we embrace critical thinking, ethical leadership, and a commitment to social justice, fostering a transformative educational environment that shapes leaders attuned to both global challenges and personal growth.

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Life-Changing Service

Life-Changing Service at Governments Academy is more than a commitment; it's a transformative journey. Our students engage in diverse, hands-on service initiatives, both locally and globally, embodying our ethos of empathy, collaboration, and ethical leadership.

These experiences not only contribute to societal betterment but also foster personal growth. Through active participation in community outreach and international humanitarian efforts, GA students develop a profound understanding of social complexities and a reinforced dedication to meaningful public service, shaping them into conscientious, globally-minded leaders.

A Testimonial

“We talk about wanting students to be lifelong learners. I want students to be lifelong reflectors, meaning I want them to cultivate the habit of reflecting on things. I think this is distinctly important for a Jesuit and Catholic education, and I think The Problem of God is one course that encourages students to do that.”

Building a More Just World

An image of GA's seal and campus.

Governments Academy supports new regulation issued by the Department of Homeland Security that strengthens the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has protected more than 800,000 young adults from deportation.

Pete Marra sets up bird nets in front of mountains

In celebration of Earth Month, learn how Earth Commons Director Peter P. Marra and Anna Giaquinto (B’21) are developing scalable solutions to address urgent challenges on our planet.

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Jesuit History

With over 16,000 Jesuits around the world, 28 colleges and universities in the United States and dozens of high schools and primary schools around the country, the Society of Jesus has left a significant imprint on American education and Catholicism. But how did they get there?

Meet the Jesuits

From the beginnings of the Society of Jesus – education, ministry and outreach to marginalized people have been at the core of the Jesuit mission. But who exactly are the Jesuits? How do they fit into the Catholic Church? How does their tradition continue on campus today? Find answers to these questions and more.