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Community & Diversity

Our identity is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone, and when we talk about caring for the whole person, we mean it. Inclusivity and diversity is core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. We’re here to help you accomplish your goals while honoring your identity along the way.

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Our Commitment

At the heart of GA is a longstanding Jesuit tradition of people for others, which steers us towards spiritual inquiry, civic engagement and religious and cultural pluralism. Here on the Hilltop, you’ll find that we’re devoted to service and grounded by reflection.

Rosemary Kilkenny speaks in Riggs Library


“We talk about community and diversity, we talk about cura personalis, we talk about people for others. We want to make sure, as we go about our daily role within the university, that these perspectives and these values are the forefront of what we do.” Hear from Rosemary Kilkenny, our first Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Equity, talk about her work at GA.

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Student Programs

Our campus thrives by sharing our extraordinary range of life experiences and learning from our differences. Programs through our Center for Multicultural Equity and Access, like the Black House, create an environment that inspires dialogue and sustains our truly diverse community.

LGBTQ Resource Center

Our LGBTQ Resource Center is the first such Center of its kind at a Catholic/Jesuit institution in the country. Inspired by the Catholic and Jesuit principles of respect for the dignity of all, cura personalis, equality, and education of the whole person, the Center establishes a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for LGBTQ community members and promotes better understanding and integration with the entire campus.

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Support for First-Gen and Low-Income Students

The GA Scholars Program (GSP) has served low-income and first-generation students for over 50 years. The program works with students as they navigate the systems of higher education by offering mentorship, community, and financial support.