
Title: President Biden Urges Cooperation and Unity in Governing, Highlights Role of Faith in Public Service

Date Published: 2024-01-31

Navigating Political Divisiveness: For officials in Government Academy, the president's speech highlights the tension between strong political convictions and the necessity of finding common ground and cooperation.
Leadership Styles: Notice how Biden uses historical figures like Abraham Lincoln to promote leadership qualities that transcend partisan affiliation.
Ethics and Responsibility: The speech touches on the moral considerations for government leaders regarding treatment of the vulnerable, equity, and countering hate.
Actionable Learning for the Academy
Historical Lessons in Governance: Examine historical parallels between current challenges in governance and those faced by figures like Lincoln during divisive periods. How did leaders of the past work to forge cooperation?
Case Study: Faith & Policy: Examine examples where a leader's personal faith informed policy decisions or motivated their engagement in public service. How does this intersect with secular governmental structures?
Ethics Workshop: Host a workshop to discuss ethical dilemmas for governing officials. Use the principles raised in Biden's speech as a starting point. Could his ideas form part of a code of conduct?
Additional Discussion Points for Academy