
Title: Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby En Route Detroit, MI

Date Published: 2024-02-02

The Biden Administration took measures to address violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, issuing an Executive Order (EO) and sanctions against perpetrators. This marks a response to recent attacks and growing pressure from advocacy groups.
Meanwhile, the President is traveling to Michigan, a state with a large Arab-American population, at a time when protests and opposition to current US policy in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are prominent.
Context for Academy Officials
Sanctions & EOs: These actions demonstrate how the government combines the use of sanctions as a foreign policy tool to promote security goals and the Executive Order power to achieve policy aims amid pressure from various stakeholders.
Balancing Interests: This highlights the challenge governments face when balancing conflicting goals: supporting Israel amidst ongoing security concerns while taking steps to address humanitarian concerns with Palestinian communities.
Public Opinion: The Michigan trip underscores the domestic impact of foreign policy. How do governments factor in public sentiment? Does this situation raise ethical questions about policymaking?
Actionable Learning for the Academy
Historical Examples: Research instances where other US administrations faced political dilemmas over policy in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Compare those to the Biden Administration's approach.
Policy Workshop: Divide students into teams representing Israeli government officials, Palestinian advocates, US security advisors, and Arab-American rights groups. Hold a discussion to create a balanced, realistic US policy stance and consider the consequences of that policy.
Legal Briefing: Invite an expert on sanctions and EOs to explain the legal basis for targeting foreign individuals and their implications. How effective are these tools for addressing conflict?