
Title: Readout of White House Convening of State Legislators and Advocates on Safer States Agenda Progress

Date Published: 2024-02-03

White House convenes state officials to review progress on the Safer States Agenda, aiming to reduce gun violence through state-led legislative efforts.
State legislators and advocates share updates on various initiatives, including secure gun storage laws, permit requirements, bans on assault weapons, industry accountability, and support for victims of gun violence.
At least 27 states have introduced related legislation since December 2023, indicating the impact of federal policy guidance and partnership with state governments.
Context for Academy Officials
Federal/State Cooperation: This case study demonstrates how the federal government can encourage and support state-level actions on controversial issues while respecting state autonomy.
Legislative Processes: Examine the diverse policy strategies represented in the examples. Discuss the challenges and pathways specific to states for passing and implementing firearm-related legislation.
Advocacy Campaigns: Consider how advocates influence legislative actions, working both at state and federal levels to build momentum for broader policies.
Actionable Learning for the Academy
Bill Tracking Project: Have Academy officials research similar gun safety efforts proposed or implemented in their own state. What can they learn from successes and failures?
Comparative Analysis: Explore how local attitudes might shape gun laws differently across jurisdictions. Compare how varying demographics, economies, and political leanings could affect the viability of legislative approaches.
Guest Speaker Series: Invite legal experts or state officials from states highlighted in the briefing to further explain legislative challenges and successes.
Important Considerations
This topic may be highly sensitive to some Academy officials. Emphasize the focus is on policy process and government structure, not taking a position on specific gun legislation.
Additional Notes
Encourage officials to examine the Safer States Agenda