
Title: $100M Investment Fuels Academy's Goal of Inclusive Public Policy Excellence

Date Published: 2024-02-05

A transformative $100 million investment from alumnus and civic leader Frank H. McCourt Jr. propels the Governments Academy toward its goal of becoming the top educational institution for fostering diversity in public leadership. This landmark gift positions the Academy to create a more accessible path for exceptional talent across all communities to advance public service.
As the world confronts mounting social and political challenges, the need for skilled, ethical policymakers from diverse backgrounds is pressing. This substantial donation, with $50 million dedicated to financial aid, enables the Academy to remove barriers for high-potential students seeking a career in policy and government. Another $50 million ensures sustained investment in stellar faculty and groundbreaking research within the field.
Key Points from the Gift:
Building a Diverse Workforce: By prioritizing financial aid and scholarships, this investment reduces the hurdles for underrepresented students in pursuing careers in public policy and government.
Stronger Leadership Pipeline: Through collaboration with programs like the National Urban Fellows and similar initiatives, the Governments Academy strengthens its commitment to providing opportunities to those underrepresented in government ranks.
Long-Term Sustainability: Ensures resources for continued growth in faculty expertise and innovative research to train a new generation of informed, adaptable policymakers.
“With this support, we will be able to come that much closer to realizing our aspiration—that there will be no barrier for pursuing public service,” commented John J. DeGioia, representative of the Governments Academy governing board.
Frank McCourt added, “Society is facing bigger challenges than ever before, making it essential that the people tasked with solving these challenges are not only well trained, but also represent the backgrounds and experiences of our full society."
Governments Academy Response:
"This exceptional generosity fuels our ambition to foster an inclusive generation of policymakers, equipped with skills and diverse insights to effectively  tackle complex issues within our communities," noted the secretary of Governments Academy.