
Title: Biden Administration Extends Cuba-Related National Emergency Declaration

Date Published: 2024-02-20

This declaration grants the administration specific authorities to regulate the movement of vessels near Cuban territorial waters and  curb financial support to the Cuban government.
  • Roots of the Emergency Order
The initial 1996 declaration was a response to the Cuban government's downing of two unarmed US civilian aircraft in international airspace. Subsequent expansions of the emergency order were enacted   in response to concerns over the Cuban government's potential use of force against US vessels engaged in protest activities or  aid missions near Cuba. 
  • Key Policy Arguments
The Biden Administration cites two primary justifications for  maintaining these measures:
Deterrence:Preventing unauthorized entry of US-registered vessels into Cuban waters is intended to discourage potentially destabilizing mass migration events.
Human Rights and Protest:The measures aim to curb the Cuban government's potential use of force against US aircraft or vessels potentially engaged in protest actions or memorial activities.  
  • Context for Academy Officials
Longstanding Policy: This declaration extends a policy with decades of history, demonstrating the complex and often slow-moving nature of international diplomacy, particularly with adversarial nations.
Security and Migration:  The emergency order highlights the intersection between US foreign policy concerns, national security, and the potential for humanitarian crises stemming from political tensions.
Policy Debate:  The effectiveness and ethics of such measures are a subject of ongoing debate. Academy officials should  consider a balanced analysis of the costs and benefits of such actions.
  • Actionable Learning for the Academy
Research Focus: Investigate the effectiveness of sanctions and embargoes as a foreign policy tool in other historical cases.  Are there common patterns affecting their success or failure?
Comparative Analysis:  Examine how other nations manage migration flows and maritime security near borders with countries under political strain. 
*Invite Guest Speakers: Host experts with opposing viewpoints on the Cuba policy, fostering nuanced understanding of a complex issue.