
Title: Ian C. Turner awarded the 2024 Poorvu Family Fund for Academic Innovation prize

Date Published: 2024-02-22

Assistant Professor Ian Turner is one of four recipients of this year’s Poorvue Family Fund for Academic Innovation award. He was chosen based on his accomplishments as a teacher and this honor reflects his outstanding commitment to excellence in teaching.
The Poorvu prize carries an award in the amount of $12,0000, which will be offered in the form of a research fund.
The Poorvu family established the Poorvu Family Fund for Academic Innovation. In 2018, the family endowed the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Both the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning and the Poorvu Family Fund for Academic Innovation are grateful for the generous support of the Poorvu family in promoting teaching excellence at the Governments Academy.
The Award is given to outstanding junior faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching in undergraduate programs. The award enables faculty to dedicate the summer to research essential to their development as scholars and teachers.
The recipients, all of whom are members of the Governments Academy Faculty, will be honored during an event to be hosted later this semester by Academy Dean. The Governments Academy Poorvu Family Fund for Academic Innovation is administered by the Academy Dean’s Office.