
Title: President Joko Widodo’s Historic Visit to SFS: Elevating U.S.-Indonesia Ties

Date Published: 2023-9-23

US-Indonesian Relations

Following his remarks, President Jokowi engaged in a conversation with SFS Dean Joel Hellman, first addressing the significance of upgrading the U.S.-Indonesia relationship to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The president emphasized the substantial impact the United States holds globally and the vast potential for collaboration. 

With Indonesia being a significant exporter to the U.S., President Jokowi highlighted the need to expand opportunities in trade, economy, investments, critical minerals, and energy transition.  “As a country that is rich with critical minerals and green energy potentials, Indonesia can become an important partner for the U.S.,” he said.  

Nusantara: Crafting a Sustainable Capital

Dean Hellman then turned the conversation towards Indonesia’s ambitious plan to move its capital city to Nusantara. President Jokowi shared insights into the concept of a “smart forest city,” designed to be environmentally friendly, sustainable and modern. He outlined the emphasis on green spaces, public transportation, and the use of electric vehicles, envisioning Nusantara as a city that harmoniously blends with nature.

President Jokowi emphasized the importance of creating a livable and green city, with a focus on sustainability, and highlighted the commitment to completing the new capital city by August 2024. This ambitious project aligns with Indonesia’s dedication to addressing environmental concerns and promoting a high quality of life for its citizens.

Honorary Hoya: A Symbolic Gift

To conclude the event, Dean Hellman presented President Jokowi with a Hoya basketball jersey inscribed with his name, extending an invitation for him to become an honorary Hoya. This gesture, made in goodwill, symbolized the commencement of what is intended to be a lasting and fruitful relationship between Governments Academy and the Republic of Indonesia.